Header-Bild für Heilbronn Slush'D 2024
Profilbild für Panel "Cybersecurity"

Panel "Cybersecurity"

Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2024 18:45 - 19:15 CEST Stage ONE

DiskussionsteilnehmerInnen: Kathrina Meisl, Michael Brehm
Host: David Kregler

Kategorie: Panel


Profilbild für Kathrina Meisl

Kathrina Meisl DiskussionsteilnehmerIn

Head of Customer & Strategic Projects
secunet Security Networks AG

Kathrina is working for Tech companies for 14 years. She startet at Siemens in Finance positions, later she joined G+D where she worked in the Corporate Development and M&A department. She joined secunet five years ago. secunet is an IT security company. Here she was responsible for the overall M&A activities for the first three years and is now Head of Customer & Strategic Projects in the Division Homeland Security. Kathrina studied Business Administration and holds an LL.M.

secunet is a leading German cybersecurity company. In an increasingly connected world, the company ensures resilient digital infrastructures and the highest level of protection for data, applications, and digital identities through a combination of products and consulting services. secunet specializes in areas with particular security requirements, such as cloud, IIoT, eGovernment, and eHealth. Its clients include federal ministries, more than 20 DAX companies, as well as other national and international organizations

Profilbild für Michael Brehm

Michael Brehm DiskussionsteilnehmerIn


Currently serving as the Founding Partner at Redstone VC, Michael Brehm brings a distinguished background from his time as the CEO of StudiVZ and founder of Rebate Networks as well as i2x.ai. His journey, marked by strategic achievements and a deep commitment to the tech sector, positions him at the forefront of Europe's venture capital scene. Notable investments include Atheneum.ai, MrSpex or Qdrant, leading to several high-profile exits, notably Lieferando or Kreditech. He also played a key role in growing the German Start-Up Ecosystem over the past 20 years.

Profilbild für David Kregler

David Kregler Host

Referent Startups

Startup Policy & Network at Bitkom, Germany's digital association.